Sunday, December 13, 2009

On The First Day Of Christmas...

Well, here we are, only 12 days until Christmas.
In honor of the classic Christmas carol "The 12 days of Christmas", I will be giving you a different gift idea over the next 12 days for the nerd / worship leader / cool dude in your life. If you don't know anyone that fits that description, I will be willing to accept these items from you. I will serve you in this manner, because I want you to have the opportunity to learn the joys of giving. If I have to sacrifice, by accepting your gifts, then so be it. I'm willing to do this for you, because I care. So here now,  I present the First Day of Christmas.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....
A USB powered desktop rocket launcher.

This would make a great gift for anyone that has a desk and pesky co-workers they want to keep at bay. Just imagine, you're sitting at your desk doing what all hard workers do (cruising Facebook) and then here comes the staff accountant asking for your "Quarterly Synergetic Optimization T-Report in triplicate with footnotes." One response would be to say "It's not ready yet."
But wouldn't it be much more fun to click a button on your keyboard setting off a barrage of foam missles at them? Or is it just me?

Includes software, missles, and missle launcher.
You can buy this lovely gift at kleargear. Which is also where I borrowed the pic.

I am not getting any sponsorship from them for this publicity, but I'm open to that if they want to discuss it.