Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday Setlist August 25th 2013

I blogged yesterday about how I resigned from my position at Westwood this past Sunday.
But I haven't yet told you about some of the other things that happened in our worship service.
Here's what we did at Westwood yesterday...
The theme of the service was Listening to God: "When God closes one door and opens another."
I'm thankful that Bro. Steve focused on that theme and made my announcement so much easier to make.

Orchestra Prelude: Be Thou My Vision (Hymn)
Choir Call To Worship: Lord God Almighty (Speak Your Name)
With trax

*Worthy Is The Lamb (Zschech)
I love singing this one... beginning with "Thank You for the Cross Lord." It just doesn't get much more worshipful than that.

Welcome / Announcements / Fellowship

*I’ll Fly Away (Hymn)
Upbeat southern style, maybe even a little rockabilly

Kidz Praise – All The People Said Amen (With Shawn on solo and Joseph on Guitar)
I had a blast singing this one with the kids (even if the bridge was too high for me.) You'll hear little Alec, I believe he's 4, adding in his own part that he wrote himself. Thanks to my Mother-in-law Karen for the video.

*He Knows My Name (Walker)
*Be Thou My Vision (Hymn)

Offertory Prayer

*Where He Leads Me (Hymn)
1st & Last

Message: Bro. Steve
Invitation: *I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (Hymn

...My Announcement

Closing Chorus: *Lord I Lift Your Name On High (BH#347)
I had this closing chorus planned, but in the tearful state of me and some others in the church, Bro. Steve opted in the moment to close in prayer. That was kind of him. Not sure anyone wants to hear me sing anything while I cry. 


What was your favorite part of your service? 

This post is part of's Sunday Setlist. Check it out to see what other worshipers are doing around the world. 


  1. That was great! You have a beautiful voice. :-) Was that Kara in the front row? I love that the message was "I have decided to follow Jesus" ... how fitting, given that that was what your search led you to do.

  2. Thanks! And yep, that's Kara up front filming her kids.
