Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Microsoft paint" bored

Have you ever been really bored. I mean like reaaaallly bored and you couldn't do much about it. I'm at work. Things are slow due to the economy. All of my files are up to date. All of my work is done. And the phone isn't ringing with any new orders or customer questions. My web use is very limited as is my phone usage. So I've resorted to playing with microsoft paint. Wow! I mean how bored is that? That's pretty bad. Here's my first attempt at MS paint art. Feel free to use it as a desktop background. I know you'll want to.


  1. Tammy is a kind and gentle soul. I love that you are using a computer from 1997.

  2. What? 1997? Every version of windows still has Microsoft paint. Just look under programs/accessories. I guess it's kind of sad that I know that.

  3. No, it's sad that Jamie DIDN'T know that. ;)

  4. How about your mommas are sad? I meant that your computer doesn't have anything else BESIDES Paint.

    Nailed it.
